Jun 20, 2024 | General RVPHTC, Health Equity
As we draw our second health literacy conference to a close, we will work with attendees on the action items they developed during our conference in the following months to assist public health-focused organizations in becoming more health literate while improving community engagement and access to care. Striving to provide educational opportunities resulting in calls to action is key to reducing barriers and creating more health literate organizations.
Jul 21, 2023 | Policy
Engaging and including community partners to address public health root causes may require a complete paradigm shift.
Jul 6, 2023 | Health Equity, Policy
While there is no handbook to immediately redress the 400 years of oppression influencing the health of our communities as a whole and communities of color specifically, this [collaborative] model provides an avenue for public health advocacy for health departments of any size to change systems to protect the health and improve the lives of all of its residents.
May 11, 2022 | Health Equity, Racial Equity
The understanding that people are experts of their own culture. Their experiences, knowledge, practices, and norms are valid and accurate.