Jan 10, 2025 | Data, General RVPHTC, Workforce Development
The RVPHTC conducts a training needs assessment every few years to help identify and prioritize the current needs of the region’s Local Health Departments (LHDs). These training needs help inform the development of training resources that will best serve our users and each iteration of the training needs assessment has slight differences and helps us learn more about the LHDs that we are serving.
Jun 20, 2024 | General RVPHTC, Health Equity
As we draw our second health literacy conference to a close, we will work with attendees on the action items they developed during our conference in the following months to assist public health-focused organizations in becoming more health literate while improving community engagement and access to care. Striving to provide educational opportunities resulting in calls to action is key to reducing barriers and creating more health literate organizations.
Apr 19, 2023 | General RVPHTC, Health Equity, Racial Equity, Workforce Development
By promoting a better understanding of microaggressions, bias, and diversity, public health practitioners can create more equitable workplaces and ultimately improve the health outcomes of the communities they serve.
Feb 10, 2023 | General RVPHTC, Policy, Workforce Development
Indiana’s public health system has long been underfunded and under-resourced, leading to poor health outcomes for our communities. Governor Eric J. Holcomb established the trailblazing Governor’s Public Health Commission to launch an assessment of the state’s public health system, and this legislative session, we hope to see a much-needed financial investment to improve statewide public health service delivery and create a healthier future for all Hoosiers.