Where have all the interns gone?

Where have all the interns gone?

Whether it’s a product of limited staff capacity or barriers faced by potential interns, the problem remains the same: fewer students are gaining hands-on experiential learning in the field of public health… Resulting solutions should account for disparate access to internships—both in-person and virtual—among different student populations.

Strengthening the Future Public Health Workforce through Meaningful Student Engagement

Strengthening the Future Public Health Workforce through Meaningful Student Engagement

Indiana’s trailblazing Governor’s Public Health Commission, convened 2021-2022, left our state with stark realizations about our public health system, along with actionable recommendations. The Indiana Public Health Association (IPHA) is taking the initiative to invest in students early in their public health careers through our Student Advisory Group, drawing more students into the field and equipping them to be successful when they enter the workforce.